You must be one busy lady! I've been trying to speak to you for two days with no luck. I'm sorry that my body decided to have an allergic reaction to a prescription outwith normal business hours - next time I break out in hives, suffer extreme exhaustion and have trouble breathing, I'll make sure it's between 8:30am and 4:30pm.
If you care to respond to any of the messages I've left you, here a few things to bear in mind:
1. If I don't answer, it's most likely because I'm dead.
2. If I'm whispering, it's most likely because I'm at work (it is between 8:30 and 4:30, after all) and don't want the entire office hearing about my hives.
3. If I am rude, it's most likely because you deserve it. (Or perhaps mood swings are another side effect of the drugs?)
Itchily awaiting your call,
Cara Mudah Hapus Data di APK Kredivo
2 months ago
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