*achem* Hello there. This is a little awkward...
I know we haven't met, but I noticed that when I passed you in the lobby today you were carrying a Chick-fil-A bag. And the thing is, I love Chick-fil-A! I've only been working here a month, but I haven't found one anywhere near the office. So I was wondering... if it's not too much trouble... where is it? :)
Seriously - where is it? I must know. You can't just waltz through here with your sweet tea and waffle fries and expect no one to notice! I NOTICED. The fact that I somehow managed to summon the inhibition to keep myself from tackling you over the receptionist's desk this time does not mean you'll be so lucky next time. So c'mon! Give it up! Share the love!!
Cara Mudah Hapus Data di APK Kredivo
2 months ago